Citrix Archive

Why published desktop starts but not seamless application ?

Author: | Categories: Citrix 2 Comments
On a XenApp 6.5 farm, when a seamless app is launched, everything seems to be OK but the app never appears. On the other hand, when a desktop is launched, everything is ok without any problem. In addition, sometimes, seamless apps are launched without error.

SQL collation for Citrix products

Author: | Categories: Citrix 3 Comments
I recently received an email asking me about which collation should be chosen for Citrix products. Here is a table of SQL collations by product. I’ll try to keep this post up to date.

Add an arm to my test VPX

Author: | Categories: Citrix No comments
Basic “how to” article on Netscaler. For beginners only :). For testing purpose, I wanted to add another XenApp Farm in a separated subnet in my lab environment. As I already configured a NetScaler VPX in my lab, I decided to add an interface to this VPX connected to

Minimize language bar in systray – Seamless Apps

Author: | Categories: Citrix No comments
The tip I want to share today is very simple but I didn’t found that info on Internet. I have some published apps on a Citrix XenApp 6 Farm. By default,  when you launch a publish application, the language bar is launched and visible as a floating langbar. This

Office 2007 streaming profile and DFS

Author: | Categories: Citrix, Microsoft No comments
I’m working for a while on a XenApp 6 environment. While designing the infrastructure, we decided to stream applications to XenApp servers. To secure the application profiles repository, we decided to implement DFS with 2 targets and DFS-R for replication. The following figure shows how it works : We

Receiver prevent logoff

Author: | Categories: Citrix, Misc No comments
Hello all, On my XenApp6 environement, I publish seamless stream-to-server applications. When I close an application, The session does’nt end. I first modify the SandboxStatusMonitorPeriod Key (see CTX123073). It helped to close RadeLauncher.exe after a defined period of time. But the other processes keep alive ! So, I tried

License Server VPX – Ok pour XenApp et XenDesktop

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Citrix a (encore) mis à jour son service de licences. A priori, rien de particulier, ce genre d’upgrade est fréquent (version 11.10). Cependant, un petit nouveau est arrivé avec cette mise à jour : License Server VPX (download) Je n’avais pas vu passer cette release. La version appliance du serveur

Certificat NetScaler : erreur lors de la requête

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Lors de l’installation d’un NetScaler (plutot une Access Gateway Enterprise Edition, boitier MPX)  chez un client, j’ai été confronté à un message inhabituel : 0×80094801 – the request contains no certificate template information A comparer la configuration de la PKI en place chez le client, je n’y ai pas trouvé

Erreur configuration XenDesktop avec Hyper-V

Author: | Categories: Citrix No comments
A l’installation de mon labo XenDesktop sous Hyper-V, j’ai rencontré quelques petits soucis . Ce post fait parti des tips à ne pas manquer lors de l’installation d’une infra XenDesktop. Lors de la configuration de l’hôte, vous rencontrez le message d’erreur suivant : “Environnement for this connection type is

La virtualisation pour les mobiles enfin mature et ‘secure’ !

Author: | Categories: Citrix, Virtualisation No comments
Dans la population d'une entreprise, tous les utilisateurs ne sont pas logé à la même enseigne en terme d'éligibilité au VDI