Monthly Archive:: June 2014

PVDisk – free space on disk doesn’t reflect space used

Author: | Categories: Citrix No comments
Hi all, I recently deployed VDI in a Box for a customer who ask me this question : “We set up 60GB per PVDisk in VDI manager but we only see 30GB free on the p:\ drive of the deployed desktops. Why ?”. It is absolutely normal and configurable.

StoreFront 2.5 unattended install and config

Author: | Categories: Citrix No comments
Hi. Today, I will explain how to setup a StoreFront server from scratch with Powershell. I will follow my previous post and just unattend it. For This first try, I didn’t join an Access Gateway (Netscaler Gateway) instance. But I plan to do it in an other post. So,